Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Oh, this time I was hungry, so made lunch at 13.00 hour. (1 p.m.). It was quick lunch, as I was in a hurry :) I fried zucchini and add some eggs and spices: curry, salt, pepper, garlic. So it was scrambled eggs with zucchini.

But first I had done some fencing. It was warm and nice outside.

It was easy job, because I was only installing new insulators and additional wire in order to make sure, that the adult stallion neither goats would get into the pasture.

To install new insulators, I was using a broken plastic fence stick. They are great for installing insulators :)

This fence I built last year with two volunteers: Marysia and Victor. This spring I painted the bars again and added more insulators and wires.

These bars look so nice, because I have painted them recently again :) But, anyway - the fence needs to be expanded and strenghen.