Yesterday, exactly at my birthday arrived grand Irishman. We spent the whole day and evening together, talking, eating, drinking and laughing. I love his Irish accent! He speaks naturally very fast with Irish accent which is quite challenging for my understanding his English, but I can understand fairly well, just need to focus more.
Mick is very cheerful, open, heartful and generous person. It's great to have him around. Today we went to my forest to cut some wood for the fence and to bark poles. He is very good with his hands. He is hardworking, full of good energy person. While I was preparing dinner, he started to learn Polish language and I have taught him a few words and expressions, also we trained typical Polish sounds like "ć","ź","ż","ą","ę","c","dz" which made us laugh a lot, since in his language he doesnt have these sounds and his pronunciation was very funny, but after some trials we managed to have satisfactory results... We will continue tommorrow :)