From the other hand the American guy who has just applied to my farm is obviously trouble maker. He has got a negative references from his past place, but I was eager to give him second chance and I accepted his offer, unfortunately the man turned out to be so rude and cheeky (probably it was the reason why he got the negative comment from his previous place) that I lost my temper and refused to host him and gave him negative reference as well.
I had such impatient moments today with the “volunteers”, that I nearly deleted my accounts at the volunteer’s websites. Most people who apply to my farm just waste my precious time and energy. I prefer to take care of my animals and farm instead of answering to volunteer’s offers and writing to them endless letters which mean nothing to them. I really got bored with so-enthusiastic-and-so-friendly-volunteer’s-letters – which most time are just empty “blah-blah” without real meaning.
Just seconds before I pasted this post onto the web - another American guy failed to come.
I think I will resign from hosting volunteers.
Fuck them all!
Fuck them all!