Friday, 3 August 2012


Yesterday I took goats to new meadow. The meadow is rich in red koniczyna. Today I could see result of good feeding. The goats given around 5 litres of heavy, dense milk. I am glad :)

I covered quite a distance walking with the milk. First I crossed a rich goat meadow, then stream, wood, horse's pasture and eventually I reached the yard and  house.

The goats were kicking and moving a lot during milking, so it was hard to hold them and milk in the same time. Some milk was spilt by a wild goat. Soon new girls are coming - I hope they will help to hold the wild goats while milking.

Returning with the 5 litres of milk I was thinking what to do with it. Pudding? I have already made some. Pan cakes? I have already made some and still have pastry for more. Milk bread? A cake?
Maybe cheese? I haven't been doing cheese for a long time now... So maybe to try to make some after the long break?  

I have found the proper pot and are washing it exactly with boiling water. It has to be sterile.

I am happy today

Well, I am not happy that the girls went away, but I understand the importance of their come back home, and I am glad to get back my common hermit rythm of life without rush and obligations towards guests. I woke up early in the morning and first fed poultry to make sure they will start giving eggs soon again. I have just 3 hens and one perlica, but for me this is enough eggs when they lay them. I have bought good food for them, so soon they should start giving the eggs.
I am considering also purchase of some more hens, since some more volunteers should arrive here and I will need more food to feed them. 

I am happy with my new discovery - the text-to-speech website. I have downloaded a decent short story of 10 pages and are listening to it while making order in my study.

While I was listening to it the first time I could pick up the overall meaning of the text, but not so well like now when I am well, not tired and my mind is fresh and open to new texts.

The story is flowing in the air while I am doing some houseworks around. 
So, I am frying cinamone pan cakes, making bed and order in my study, washing some dishes in the kitchen.
Doing just one task a time is for me too boring. I need to make many various thinngs during the same time.


I have made a cheese cake and pudding. For lunch I am going to bake a chicken and serve it with young potatoes and cabbage.

Goats are waiting for milking! So first goats.


I have decided to spend French noon. I poured hot water to the bath tube, added some meant tea and bath lotion, switched on French music – Alizee – and sunk in the pleasant, relaxing bath for a couple of hours... How wonderful! :)