Saturday, 15 September 2012

A Deal

A farmer called me. He wants me to teach him how to use internet. He said he will bring a bag of potatoes and some fruit trees and seeds for exchange. I said okay :)

Other farmer called. He said he wants to sell to me hay and straw in friendly price. We need transport because he lives a bit far away. It will be huge truck - up to 50 bales can be loaded on it. I wonder how much the driver wants for the delivery. I will know it tomorrow. It would be good to buy the hay and straw from the farmer. Good price and hay and straw in one transport from the same farmer. I want to buy 40 hay bales and 10 straw bales.

International Holiday Helper project

I am tired now. I spent first part of the day on my internet project and I am not going to spend any hour on it in this coming week – I have too much work outside and in the house. The other part of the day I spent on cooking and washing dishes. I have eaten a good dinner and now need to rest before I will go out to milk goats. I should milk them in the morning, but it was raining. Now is sunny again, but I am tired now. Need to rest at least a half of hour.