Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Mysterious Plant

I have planted lots of seeds of a mysterious plant. I thought, it was a pumpkin seeds. At least I was told they were pumpkin seeds. But the fruits are not orange nor yellow. They are green. Dark green. And the taste of the fruit is very similar to zucchini, but I think better. The fruit is more soft and delicate. Good for salads and also for hot dishes. And it grows round and big :)

Raised Garden Beds

The day is warm, even very warm. I have washed the study window from outside, because Dakota had licked it trying to kiss me through the window and made it blurred. Now I am making seedlings from aronia and one home plant. I have spread apple seeds in rows of  apple trees in orchard. Exactly: rotten apples with seeds. I hope that at least some of them will grow into trees. Rotten apple is good base of minerals for seeds and for growing young trees.

The apple trees which grow already close to the inner road are looking good. I cut off excessive branches which help the main plant to grow bigger and stronger, so they look better with each day. Also my horses graze around them, but are careful not to destroy the young trees. But I need more of apple trees. 
The apple trees which grow in other orchard, behind the river – are eaten by some kind of animal. I think by deer, because I have seen a couple of spots with pressed grass – big enough for a deer and besides hair wouldn’t reach so high to eat the top of a tree. Recently I have seen 3 young deer nearby. It looks like they got into my orchard. I need to check the fence close to the forest and think about metal wire there or wooden crossbars.

I have made two raised garden beds. One is already finished and filled with fertile soil. I have planted spring onion there and watered it. Now it’s turn for the plant to grow big and dense. It would be very handy to have spring onion just next to the house.

I have milked two goats. The third run away and I need to catch it first. I have put on new earrings to two goats who lost them. I hate the task. It’s unpleasant for me and painful for goats, but European Union orders all farmers to do it. I need to prepare one more pot for aronia seedlings which are still waiting for it. And come back to catch and milk the last goat. It’s already evening. I spent all day outside. It’s still warm and nice. I am tired now. I am working since early morning up to now. I think I need rest and take a bath.

Okay. That’s it. I  have catched the last goat and milked her. It’s already dark. I am so tired that don’t have power to eat, which is actually good. You shouldn’t eat late just before going to bed. I want just go to bed and sleep. I don’t have power to take a bath. The milk for cheese is waiting. I think I have to do it tonight otherwise tomorrow will be too acid. 

Thinking and thinking

I am thinking and thinking today. I need to prepare new farm strategy or focus on continuing what I have started before. I need also make winter supplies. I am busy outside as well doing different things. While I am walking across my land, I am considering different aspects of farming at my land. I need to invest more money in my farm, but I don’t have them. So I am trying to find other solutions which would be able to replace investing money.

I think I need to draw a sketch of plants and animals which I would like to grow and breed. Need to think what I have and what I would like to have here.

I think I should organise my farm production in such way, so it would be possible for me to be independent from external services and goods and external help.