Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Saturday Fencing

Gee... How tired I am today! Today morning horses got into neighbour’s meadow and didn’t want come back. I spent an hour chasing them and trying to make them come back. Then I lost my power and went to the home to finish cooking a chicken and onion. Onion was already black, but chicken survived and was “well done”. Well baked. After breakfast I went to the yard to rebuild the fence here in order to teach horses obedience. I sent Jeff to try to make horses come back. The horses luckily came back themselves from the runaway. I gave some apples to the Mother Mare, since thanks to her disobedient daughters came back. She was calling them all the time and waiting patiently in my orchard. 

I shut the horses into the yard and when my neighbour arrived to repair the fence I went to him ask if he is going to switch on current in this vulnerable part of our boarder. He said that yes and he was repairing his part of the fence and I was repairing other part of the fence. It took us some time. Then they (he and his son) went home to bring something to the fence and I went to my house to rest a while and take tools for repairing the fence. When I came back they have already finished their part of the fence and were gone. I went to continue repairing my part. I was interrupted by goat’s scream. I left tools in the safe place and went to check what has happened.
Goats got tangled together and needed my help. I spent there an hour trying to untangle them and then installed them in different spots to make sure that they would not get tangled again. 

I came back to the fence to continue the work. I was working until 5 p.m. until the fence was ready. Then I connected it with strong current running in the neighbour fence since his current is much stronger than mine.
Then I left home to rest and eat something. I let horses to go there. Now they will be learning to respect the current and not to break the fence. I need to finish cutting some branches over the electric fence and then it would be enough work for one day.

Jeff went to the village Internet cafe, so probably will be around 9 p.m. at home. I started to bake fresh bread for him. I am so tired today! I was planning to go to the village this morning to buy some more grain and also potatoes, but the horses changed my plans. I hope tomorrow it will be still possible to buy the grain and potatoes... I need rest tomorrow... But cannot... need to milk goats, fry jam and do million other little things...