Sunday 26 August 2012

A Busy Saturday

Yesterday Jeff attacked toilet, basin and 3 washing machines in the volunteer’s bathroom.

In the morning I took him with me to milk goats and to teach him about poultry, horses and goats. He is smart and learns fast. He also has initiative. He was able to catch a goat twice when the goat managed to escape.

One horse broke through the fence and we had to make her come back fast, before she ruined my vegetable garden. Colin was weeding the garden later. He did there good, effective job. After desert we went by bikes to pick some more apples and herbs. When we returned – we cooked dinner.

I made boćwinka soup. He made nettle snacks and fried pan cakes. For the first time in my life I have eaten nettle snacks :) They were surprisingly good. Jeff tried them as well. Jeff says, that during last two days he has been eating dishes and drinking teas which he never has eaten or drunk before like: fruit raspberry soup, nettle crisps, home-made budyń, goat cheese, freshly fried apple jam, mint tea. He says, he likes the new dishes.

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