Monday, 17 September 2012

Making more space

Today day is warm. Even very warm. I milked the goats, washed a pot, pour some boiling water in it and left it to rest. I went to one of the stables to see if there is enough room for hay and started to make more space. While being there, I discovered that Jeff left their rubbish. I got angry. The rubbish lay around in the stable. I told him not to bring there rubbish but he didn’t listen to me and did it against my will. Some helpers are really irritating. Now I have extra work with cleaning all the stable from the garbage. I got tired and sweat and returned home to rest a while and eat some plums. Now I am going to goats meadow to change position of some goats who need fresh spots to graze. I need to make new seedlings as well.

I have changed goats position and watered them. Now need to finish cleaning in the stable. I have taken most garbage, but there are some more lying around. I need one more bag for it.

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