Monday, 20 June 2011

Milking tips

Before you start milking a goat or a cow, first you need to wash her tits and your hands with warm, clean water :) Then it is good to make a massage of the tits. After that you can start milking. Be aware, that a goat can suddenly kick or move, so be prepared to take away bowl or backet immediately, in other case a goat or a cow can spill the milk.
After milking its good to make some more massage and you can find out then, that the goat or the cow still has got milk inside her tits.
Remember that first and last streams of milk can have bacteria. This is why the first and last streams of milk should be put seperately into a little bowl for a cat or a dog.
Once you have got the milk in your bowl or backet, you should let it evaporate for a while in a cool and dark place where there are not any flies or if they are, you should cover the backet of milk with something what makes possible for the milk to breath and what makes for flies getting into the backet impossible.
Remember, that the place where you keep milk cannot smell, because milk absorbs any smells.
After couple of hours you can collect cream from the surface of the milk. You can use the cream for making butter for instance or just use into some soupe or sause or into your coffee.
You should milk a goat or a cow everyday at the same hour - early in the morning and late in the evening, at least twice a day, sometimes even 3 times a day if a goat or a cow produces lots of milk. It is important no to leave any milk inside the tits after milking, because in this way can a goat or a cow get sick and her tits will be red and painful and she will not let you milk her without kicking or she won't let you milk her at all and her tits will start to be very ill and she will need antibiotics in order to heal her. It will be very difficult and expensive healing and despite of that, the milk can loose its quality and in drastic situations even can be completely spoiled.
In milking any animals higiena and regular milking is very important. Not let other animals approach you while you are milking a goat. It will make a goat nervous and she can spill the milk from the backet or bacteria from the other animals can get with their fur into the milk. Always remember about higiena!
The same about making cheese. If you intend to make a cheese, milk has to be verrry clean. Remember that. So goat tits, your hands, backet and pot for making cheese - everything has to be very clean.

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