Monday, 3 September 2012

A Sunny Monday

Beautiful day today. At last I could sleep back in my biggest bed :) I feel good today. 

Early in the morning I visited poultry and watered them, gave them food. I went to goats meadow to see how the goats are and to switch them. Horses are grazing obediently in the orchard.  

I need to finish making seedlings and wash the dishes.

Okay. I have washed the dishes and made the seedlings. I also made list of things to do. Time to start cook dinner (or lunch due to western customs).

I have made a delicious luncherodinner :) Before it I went to the village shop to buy potatoes and by the way I found there oats and bananas, so I am very happy about it, because I don’t need to go to Olecko to buy oats :)
So, tomorrow morning oats with goat milk and bananas... niammmm.... :)

I am happy I got back my personal space in my house :) It was quite an interesting experience hosting here all those volunteers, but I am already tired with it and want to rest from strangers... Also I need to prepare to the winter well. I have ordered 200kg potatoes for the winter time. Need to buy straw and make the windows to the stable. Need to make wood for the winter. Plant trees. Make a fence and lots of lots of other things. I will do only the most urgent things and rest will need to wait until next year, or until the next proper volunteers.

Jeff spent 10 days here. He was very hardworking, but toilet which he repaired stopped working at all.
Also washing machine still doesn’t work. Order in the attic is still not finished. Only the trees which he dig up are okay and ready to be planted. And his bedroom and bathroom are clean. 

There are always pluses and minuses of the volunteering. Now I want to have my house only for myself at least for some time. No volunteers, no stresses, no obligations. Absolute peace of mind :) I feel - I need it :)

Well, I may host here guests similar to me. I mean open minded, tolerant and friendly.

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