Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Another Active Day

I think I am run out from titles for my posts ;))) 
Today I had another active day which I spent outside. The morning and noon was sunny and warm. I love it. I made some more seedlings, fed poultry dogs and cat, milked goats. I made some order in the stable. I took two goats closer to the house and installed them in the orchard to let them graze on the weeds which horses don’t like to eat. I collected some meant. Horses have eaten most grass in the apple and plum orchard. Only some places are left for goats now.

I wanted to go today to buy potatoes, but first need to make space for them in the basement and also make a gate for the tractor which is to come here through the field with the potatoes. First part of the day was so nice, that I preferred to spend it making seedlings outside in front of the house. The seedlings which I made before looks good. But those which were planted a day later after cutting branches don’t look so good, so next seedlings I will make after preparing containers or pots for them first. They should be planted instantly after cutting them. 
And I think it’s better to remove all leaves, but not always it is disturbing. Some seedlings which have leafs still look good. Maybe leafs help them to start grow roots? Maybe. I need to ask about it at a garden forum.

Now it’s raining and I can use this time for indoor activities. Just I am already tired and need to rest a bit. I also want to listen to some new novel taken from

I have found a very interesting readings on the Internet which are opening my eyes for many social things and are reading them since hours... until the pain in my back :) I wish I could lie down and listen to it, but the thing is, I can understand better while reading by my eyes than listening to the text spoken by a native speaker. Specially automatic native speaker... ;)

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