Friday, 14 September 2012

Hunting For Winter Supplies

I AM GLAD. I managed to get 200kg of grain (wheat for the hens), 5kg common local plums (my intention is to extract from them seeds and plant them in my orchard), 4kg potatoes (my intention was to taste if I like them, because I was to make decision witch specie of two to buy in bulk amount for all winter), 150 strawberry seedlings (for my intended small plantation). My shopping was delivered to my farm for free! which is great thing and I am happy about it. This time the grain was weighed properly. I took my scales with me and wanted to use them at the seller shed where he keeps the grain. They didn’t agree for it, but he put more grain to the bags than usually :) Their scale said it was okay. The man was slightly more generous and intended to put a bit more grain to the bags than necessary, but his wife was mean and she was making sure he didn’t put too much grain to the bags. But I think this time it was honest deal. I got also from the woman a souvenir: a small branch of 
grapes. Of course they contain seeds, which I am already extracting :))) I am great seed collector :D

Anyway, I am going to check one of these bags as well, just because I am curious if their scales is really okay working. This type of scale which they have is not precise. My scales are much better. I got also new elegant bags from the seller. I had to pay for them, but at least they are neat and I have my grain well secured in the bags. I left my bike at their shed and we went with the seller’s car to my farm and yard. He helped me to load the grain and other shopping to my house and I came back with him to take my bike and continue my ride to other villages in search of straw, hay, oat and other needed staff.

I continued hunting in two other villages. I was riding my bike of course, so it took some time and effort to get from one village to another, but the weather was great – perfect for riding bike so I enjoy it a lot. I had managed to repair the bike so I was able to use it this day, which was very helpful. 

In the third village I found a bit cheaper potatoes and cheap straw, so I am very happy about it. I made arrangement for delivery of the straw and potatoes. The villagers with whom I made appointment were very nice to me, specially the Mom. She was so generous, that she has given to me 5kg or more potatoes for free. Just to taste it if I like it before I buy bigger amount of the potatoes. While coming back, I collected two baskets of wild pears, which were lying along the village road. They are tasty and sweet and they have inside seeds, which I desire the most :) I am going to plant the seeds as well, in my pear orchard. So I returned with two full baskets of pears, potatoes and some tasty apples as well, which I collected by the road in other village. The apples are not only tasty, but also the seeds are easy to take them out, so I am glad. Now two days of space preparation for tomatoes and straw and on Monday I should get the straw and potatoes... What’s more, I got a phone number to a driver, who has big transport which will be good for hay delivery. I have found a farmer who has good hay, but he has no transport, so I need to hire one on my own. I hope it will not be too expensive... I made also appointment with the nice Mom for next year straw. I have already ordered from them 30 bales of straw... So the day was definitely successful :) I can rest now and enjoy my success :)

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