Monday 10 September 2012

My Own Natural Yoghurt!

It seems that yoghurt is well done. Consistence looks great. It needs to cool down and then rest a few hours in a fridge. Then it will be good to try it.
I hope it is tasty! :) I have made 16 jars with the yoghurt. 13 little ones and 3 bigger. I though it would be more handy to make the yoghurt already in jars.
I used for this purpose a small ceramic jars which initially were designed to be used as containers for spices. I have bought a lot of them some time ago, so now they are just perfect for making and keeping yoghurt. I am very curious about the taste, but need to wait. But consistence is very good: dense and creamy. The bread is also okay. I have eaten breakfast consisting from my home made food: home baked bread and sliced boiled eggs. Yolks looked wonderful. Very orange. Now it’s time to feed poultry, dogs, cat and milk goats. A friend of mine is coming today to visit me, so I need to milk the goats before he comes.

Okay. I have tasted the yoghurt :) It IS good :))) Even better than original.
So from now on I am going to do it more often... :)

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