Sunday 13 May 2012

The Dinnero-Supper

I have eaten delicious dinnero-supper. Saying truth, it was the same dish as in the morning, as I was busy outside all day and didn’t have time and didn’t care to cook the soup I have planned for today dinner.

The evening dish was even better than in the morning: chopped eggs with spring onion and Polish wonderful mayonnaise “Dekoracyjny” made by Winiary. If you are ever to Poland – try this one. You will like it for sure. It’s great with all kinds of sandwiches and salads.

I added to the salad also some oil with garlic in it, pepper and salt of course. Ah, and some parsley which grows at one of my numerous pots. Ah, and I have added also my favourite green olives! I adore olives :)

The eggs after bathing all day in the delicious mayonnaise with spices and veggies tasted even better. I have eaten them with two slices of home baked bread. But tomorrow for sure I need to cook the cabbage soup. I need to eat at least one warm meal a day. I have already prepared for it boiled water with meat taste. I was boiling in it smoked pork meat, so the water is already full of taste and ready to add cabbage to it.

Tomorrow is Monday, so maybe paper day? And I need to sow the seeds in the plastic containers at home! The highest time! Some seeds have already roots. They need soil immediately!

It’s 9.22 p.m. Time to bed! I am so sleepy... My body after all day outside wants to sleep! I have some letters to write, but... will not do it today! No way. I want to sleep! I am sleepy and a little tired, but this is very healthy tiredness. My lungs were all day ventilating lots of fresh, clean air and the all day move outside did me good as well. I even don’t remember now about the morning pain... ;)

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